BQH vs QHHT: The Difference Explained

Lauren Williams


Hands holding a blue an red mystic orbs.

In the realm of regressive hypnosis, two notable techniques stand out: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH).

When comparing BQH vs QHHT, each offers a unique pathway to explore the depths of the subconscious mind.

But which to choose?

QHHT, established by Dolores Cannon, is known for its structured approach and deep exploration of past lives. It’s a technique that insists on in-person sessions, focusing on the traditional methods of hypnosis.

BQH, developed by Candace Craw Goldman, expands on the foundations of QHHT. It introduces flexibility and modern adaptations, including online sessions and integration of various healing modalities.

Understanding the nuances of QHHT and BQH can be important for those seeking to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

This comparison aims to provide clarity on which modality might best suit your individual needs and preferences.

What is Regressive Hypnosis?

Regressive hypnosis is a technique that works with the subconscious mind, exploring past experiences and memories, often extending into past lifetimes. This approach is used for therapeutic purposes, aiming to uncover and heal past traumas and influences that affect present-day life.

Two practices with unique approaches and methodologies are the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH).

QHHT, created by Dolores Cannon in the 1960s, focuses on past life regression through in-depth sessions. Conducted exclusively in person, this technique seeks to access deep subconscious memories to address current life issues. It’s known for its transformative impact, adhering to a specific protocol to explore the individual’s past experiences and subconscious mind.

In contrast, BQH, developed by Candace Craw Goldman, a student of Cannon, expands on the principles of QHHT. While it retains the core focus on past life exploration, BQH introduces more flexibility, allowing for online sessions and incorporating additional healing modalities. This modern adaptation makes BQH more accessible and customizable to individual needs, catering to the changing landscape of spiritual and emotional healing practices.

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, or QHHT, is a distinctive form of regressive hypnosis developed by Dolores Cannon.

It’s a method that takes individuals back through time to their past lives by accessing memories and experiences stored in the subconscious mind. This exploration of past lives is not merely about curiosity or uncovering historical details; rather, it’s a therapeutic process aimed at uncovering root causes of current emotional, physical, or mental issues.

A key aspect of QHHT is its in-depth nature. The sessions are comprehensive and can be quite lengthy, delving deeply into the Theta state of consciousness. This state is where the subconscious mind becomes more accessible, and the individual can explore various aspects of their past.

The method is designed to bring forth memories and experiences that have a direct impact on the individual’s present life, enabling a better understanding of current challenges and patterns.

The structure of a QHHT session is meticulously crafted. It begins with an interview process, where the practitioner learns about the individual’s life and the issues they wish to address. This is followed by the hypnosis session, where the individual is guided through their past lives. The session typically concludes with a conversation with the individual’s Higher Self, which can offer profound insights and guidance.

It’s important to note that QHHT sessions are conducted exclusively in person. This requirement stems from Cannon’s belief in the importance of a face-to-face interaction to achieve the depth of trance and connection necessary for effective therapy.

The technique is seen as a complete system in itself, focusing solely on the individual’s subconscious experiences without the incorporation of other healing modalities.

What is Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)?

A woman with eyes shut and blue spiritual energy surrounding her.

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a modern adaptation and expansion of the principles found in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). Developed by Candace Craw Goldman, a practitioner trained by Dolores Cannon, BQH maintains the core focus on exploring past lives and the subconscious mind, yet it diverges from QHHT by offering more flexibility in its approach.

A key feature of BQH is its adaptability to the contemporary digital world, allowing sessions to be conducted both in-person and online. This flexibility makes the healing experience more accessible to individuals worldwide, regardless of geographical constraints. BQH recognizes the evolving needs of clients and adapts to various settings, making it a practical option for those who cannot attend in-person sessions.

In BQH, practitioners are encouraged to integrate other healing modalities into their practice. This might include techniques like Reiki, sound healing, or energy work, tailored to the individual client’s needs and preferences. Such integrations are seen as enhancements to the session, providing a holistic approach to healing and exploration.

The structure of a BQH session typically begins with an in-depth discussion between the practitioner and the client, similar to QHHT. However, BQH allows for additional steps and practices before the regression, such as setting intentions with water or aligning heart and mind coherence. These preparatory steps are optional and depend on the practitioner’s style and the client’s requirements.

BQH’s approach is characterized as ‘open-source’, meaning that it is less rigid and more open to innovation and personalization by individual practitioners. This openness fosters a diverse range of healing experiences, making each BQH session unique to the practitioner’s and client’s collaborative efforts. The flexibility and adaptability of BQH make it a dynamic and evolving form of regressive hypnosis, catering to a wide spectrum of spiritual and therapeutic needs.

Session Structure and Process

Understanding the session structure and process of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) reveals the nuanced approaches each modality takes in facilitating deep subconscious exploration and healing.

QHHT Session Structure

A woman memorised in a dark tunnel like timeless state.

In QHHT, the session structure is carefully designed to facilitate a deep connection with the subconscious. It begins with a thorough interview, where the practitioner learns about the client’s life history and the issues they wish to address. This initial conversation is critical as it helps in building comfort and trust, as well as providing the practitioner with insights to guide the session.

The hypnosis part of the session involves a specific induction process, often starting with visualization techniques to relax the mind and ease into the subconscious state. The client is then guided through past life experiences, with the practitioner asking questions to delve deeper into each relevant past life. The session’s climax often involves communicating with the client’s Higher Self, seeking answers and healing insights. The practitioner facilitates this dialogue, ensuring that the client’s most pressing questions are addressed.

The session concludes with a return to conscious awareness and a debriefing, where experiences and insights from the session are discussed and integrated.

BQH Session Structure

A woman memorised in a colourful swirling tunnel symbolising timeless state.

BQH sessions start similarly to QHHT, with an in-depth discussion between the practitioner and the client. This dialogue sets the foundation for the session, helping the practitioner understand the client’s intentions and background. However, BQH diverges in allowing for a more flexible and creative induction process. Practitioners can incorporate additional techniques such as Water Alchemy and Heart and Mind Coherence to prepare the client for the regression experience. These techniques are designed to align the client’s energies and set intentions for the session.

The regression phase in BQH is also guided but allows for a more open-ended exploration. Practitioners may use different vernaculars and imagery to induce the trance state, and the exploration can cover past, present, and future lives. The format can be adapted based on the practitioner’s style and the client’s response.

BQH also includes a dialogue with the Higher Self, similar to QHHT, where profound insights and healing guidance are sought. The session ends with the client returning to full consciousness, followed by a discussion to process and understand the experience.

In both QHHT and BQH, the goal is to facilitate a deep and meaningful exploration of the subconscious, with the structure and process tailored to maximize healing and insight. While QHHT adheres to a more structured format, BQH offers flexibility, allowing practitioners to adapt the session to the client’s specific needs and circumstances.

Practitioner Guidelines and Training

A man lays on a comfy cloud of colourful lights.

The guidelines and training for practitioners in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) highlight the distinct approaches and principles underlying each modality.

QHHT Practitioner Guidelines and Training

For QHHT, practitioners undergo a specific training program designed by Dolores Cannon. This program is structured and detailed, ensuring that practitioners are well-versed in the exact methodology Cannon developed. A key aspect of QHHT training is the emphasis on adhering strictly to the prescribed techniques without deviation or incorporation of other healing modalities. Practitioners are trained to guide clients through the QHHT process purely as it was conceived, which includes a precise induction method and a structured approach to exploring past lives and communicating with the Higher Self.

An important guideline for QHHT practitioners is the prohibition of online sessions. All QHHT sessions must be conducted in person, as per the original design of the technique. Additionally, QHHT practitioners are instructed not to offer personal advice during sessions, even if they are qualified in other professional fields. The focus is on allowing the client’s subconscious mind and Higher Self to provide the necessary insights and healing​​.

BQH Practitioner Guidelines and Training

BQH practitioners, on the other hand, receive training that encourages a more flexible and integrative approach. While BQH is based on the foundational principles of QHHT, practitioners are allowed, and even encouraged, to incorporate other healing modalities and techniques as they see fit. This flexibility means that BQH sessions can vary significantly depending on the practitioner’s style and the techniques they choose to use.

BQH training also accommodates the modern digital landscape by allowing for online sessions. This adaptation makes the healing experience more accessible to a broader range of clients, addressing the limitations of geographical distance. Practitioners of BQH are therefore trained to conduct sessions both in person and remotely, offering versatility in how they deliver their services.

The training for both QHHT and BQH equips practitioners with the skills and knowledge necessary to guide clients through profound experiences of self-discovery and healing. However, the structured nature of QHHT contrasts with the open-source and adaptable approach of BQH, reflecting the distinct philosophies and client needs each modality aims to address.

Choosing Between QHHT and BQH

When deciding between Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH), it’s important to consider your personal needs and preferences, as each modality offers a unique approach to healing and exploration.

QHHT: Ideal for Traditionalists and In-Person Experience Seekers

  • If you prefer a structured, traditional approach to hypnosis, QHHT may be more suitable.
  • Ideal for individuals comfortable with in-depth, in-person sessions, focusing exclusively on the methodology developed by Dolores Cannon.
  • Recommended for those seeking a deep, transformative experience without the integration of other healing practices.

BQH: A Fit for the Modern Seeker and Digital Age

  • BQH is well-suited for individuals seeking a more flexible, contemporary approach to regressive hypnosis.
  • Perfect for those who appreciate the integration of various healing modalities and techniques.
  • Ideal if you prefer or require the convenience of online sessions, expanding access to those unable to travel for in-person sessions.

In summary, your choice between QHHT and BQH should align with your comfort level, accessibility needs, and openness to various healing practices.

Both pathways offer deep opportunities for personal growth and understanding, tailored to different preferences and circumstances.

Lauren sitting and smiling at the camera.

Lauren believes spirituality shouldn't be intimidating. She blends ancient practices with modern tools to help you unlock insight, improve your focus, and find deeper meaning within your everyday life.

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