The 9 of Wands in Tarot, often associated with resilience, defensiveness, and caution, provides a complex view of emotional states in relationships. This card, whether upright or reversed, speaks to the dynamics of protecting oneself emotionally and the journey towards opening up after experiencing challenges.
Upright, the 9 of Wands embodies a sense of wariness or guardedness, often stemming from past experiences in love and relationships. It reflects a stance of being cautious, indicating a readiness to face challenges but also a hesitancy to fully engage emotionally due to fear of getting hurt.

Conversely, the Reversed 9 of Wands signals a shift from defensiveness to a more open and trusting approach. It suggests letting go of past fears and apprehensions, embracing vulnerability, and being more receptive to new emotional experiences and connections.
Table of Contents
Upright 9 of Wands as Feelings
General Meaning
The Upright 9 of Wands in tarot readings symbolizes resilience, persistence, and a guarded stance, particularly in the realm of emotions and relationships. This card often represents a situation where someone is feeling wary or defensive, possibly due to past experiences in love. It suggests a state of being cautious or protective about one’s emotional well-being, indicating a readiness to face any challenges but also a hesitancy to fully open up.
How They Feel About You
When the Upright 9 of Wands appears in relation to someone’s feelings towards you, it indicates that they may be holding back due to past hurts or fears. They likely have strong feelings for you but are cautious about expressing them fully. This person is probably seeking assurance and stability before letting their guard down and fully committing to the relationship.
For Singles and New Relationships
For singles, the Upright 9 of Wands suggests a period of cautiousness in entering new relationships. It indicates being guarded due to previous disappointments or heartaches. In new relationships, this card advises being patient and understanding, as building trust and security may take time. It’s important to navigate these early stages with care and sensitivity.
For Existing Relationships
In existing relationships, the Upright 9 of Wands can signify a phase where one or both partners are feeling defensive or wary, perhaps due to unresolved issues or past conflicts. It’s a call to address these concerns and work towards strengthening the trust and security in the relationship. This card encourages perseverance and open communication to overcome challenges and deepen the bond.
Old Flame/Ex
Regarding an old flame or an ex, the Upright 9 of Wands might represent a cautious approach towards revisiting the relationship. It can indicate that past issues or challenges are causing hesitancy and a need for reassurance before considering rekindling the connection.
For Those Seeking Love
For those seeking love, the Upright 9 of Wands advises a mindful approach to new relationships. It suggests being aware of past experiences that may affect your openness to love, encouraging a balance between protecting your emotional well-being and giving new connections a fair chance.
Reversed 9 of Wands as Feelings
General Meaning
The Reversed 9 of Wands in tarot readings often suggests letting go of defensiveness and opening up to new possibilities. This card reversed indicates a shift from being overly cautious to becoming more receptive and trusting in relationships. It signifies the overcoming of past fears or hesitations, leading to a more open and vulnerable approach to love.
How They Feel About You
When the Reversed 9 of Wands appears in relation to someone’s feelings towards you, it may suggest that they are starting to lower their guard and open up more. They might be moving past their fears or apprehensions and showing a willingness to be more vulnerable and trusting in the relationship.
For Singles and New Relationships
For singles, the Reversed 9 of Wands indicates a readiness to leave past hurts behind and embrace new romantic opportunities with optimism. It suggests a more open and trusting attitude towards love. In new relationships, this card signifies a willingness to let go of defensiveness, encouraging a deeper and more genuine connection.
For Existing Relationships
In existing relationships, the Reversed 9 of Wands points to a period of increased openness and trust. It may indicate that previous barriers or defensive attitudes are being broken down, paving the way for more honest and intimate interactions.
Old Flame/Ex
Reflecting on an old flame or an ex, the Reversed 9 of Wands can indicate a release of past reservations or defensiveness. It suggests moving on from the guardedness that characterized the previous relationship, possibly leading to healing and closure.
For Those Seeking Love
For those in search of love, the Reversed 9 of Wands brings encouraging news of being able to overcome past fears and hesitations. It advises embracing new relationships with an open heart and mind, free from the shadows of previous emotional challenges.
The 9 of Wands in Tarot, in both its Upright and Reversed positions, sheds light on the emotional defenses we build in relationships and the process of moving past them. Upright, this card cautions against letting past hurts overly influence current relationships, encouraging a balance between protecting oneself and allowing new connections to form. It highlights the importance of trust and security in forming deep, meaningful relationships.
Reversed, the 9 of Wands offers a message of hope and progress. It signifies overcoming previous emotional barriers and opening up to new possibilities in love. This card reassures that with time and healing, one can move past defensiveness and engage in more open, trusting relationships.
Overall, the 9 of Wands underscores the significance of understanding our emotional boundaries and the journey towards healing and trusting again in relationships.
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