The Nine of Cups in Tarot, often referred to as the “wish card,” symbolizes contentment, satisfaction, and the fulfillment of emotional desires in relationships. Whether it appears upright or reversed, this card reflects on the state of one’s emotional well-being and the pursuit of happiness in personal connections.
Upright, the Nine of Cups represents a phase of emotional fulfillment and satisfaction. It embodies the joy of having one’s emotional needs met and the sense of well-being that comes from harmonious relationships. This card is indicative of a period where emotional wishes are realized, bringing a sense of completeness and contentment.

In its Reversed form, the Nine of Cups suggests a lack of fulfillment or unmet emotional desires. It points to feelings of dissatisfaction, unfulfilled expectations, or the need to reassess what truly brings happiness in one’s emotional life.
Table of Contents
Upright Nine of Cups as Feelings
General Meaning
The Upright Nine of Cups in tarot readings often symbolizes contentment, satisfaction, and emotional fulfillment, particularly in the context of relationships. This card is known as the “wish card,” suggesting a sense of having one’s emotional desires met. It represents a period where one feels emotionally gratified, with wishes and aspirations in the realm of feelings coming to fruition. The Nine of Cups indicates a state of emotional well-being and happiness, often reflecting a sense of joy in one’s current relationship status or emotional life.
How They Feel About You
When the Upright Nine of Cups appears in relation to someone’s feelings towards you, it suggests that they feel a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment with you. Their emotions are likely characterized by happiness and a feeling of fulfillment. This person might view their relationship with you as something that brings them great joy and meets their emotional needs.
For Singles and New Relationships
For singles, the Upright Nine of Cups indicates a phase where you might feel content and fulfilled with your single status, or it could suggest the imminent arrival of a satisfying romantic connection. In new relationships, this card symbolizes a period of happiness and satisfaction, where the emotional connection feels enriching and gratifying.
For Existing Relationships
In existing relationships, the Upright Nine of Cups can signify a phase of contentment and emotional fulfillment. It suggests that the relationship is meeting both partners’ emotional needs, bringing a sense of joy and satisfaction to both individuals.
Old Flame/Ex
Regarding an old flame or an ex, the Upright Nine of Cups might represent feelings of contentment regarding how things concluded or a sense of fulfillment from the lessons learned from that relationship.
For Those Seeking Love
For those seeking love, the Upright Nine of Cups encourages an optimistic outlook, suggesting that emotional fulfillment and contentment are on the horizon. It advises staying open to the possibilities of love, as a satisfying emotional connection may be forthcoming.
Reversed Nine of Cups as Feelings
General Meaning
The Reversed Nine of Cups in tarot readings often suggests unfulfilled desires, dissatisfaction, or the need to reevaluate one’s emotional aspirations. This card reversed can indicate that emotional wishes and needs are not being met, leading to feelings of discontent or a sense that something is missing in one’s emotional life. It warns of the dangers of complacency or unrealized expectations in relationships.
How They Feel About You
When the Reversed Nine of Cups appears in relation to someone’s feelings towards you, it might suggest that they are experiencing a sense of emotional dissatisfaction or unmet expectations. They may be reevaluating their feelings or the fulfillment they derive from the relationship, possibly feeling that something is lacking.
For Singles and New Relationships
For singles, the Reversed Nine of Cups warns of the risk of setting unrealistic expectations for romantic relationships. It advises finding contentment within oneself first before seeking fulfillment in a relationship. In new relationships, this card suggests the importance of assessing whether the connection truly meets your emotional needs and expectations.
For Existing Relationships
In existing relationships, the Reversed Nine of Cups can indicate a period of reassessing whether the relationship is fulfilling both partners’ emotional needs. It may highlight areas of dissatisfaction or unmet desires that need to be addressed to regain a sense of contentment.
Old Flame/Ex
Reflecting on an old flame or an ex, the Reversed Nine of Cups may indicate feelings of discontent about how the relationship ended or what it lacked. It suggests a need to find closure or fulfillment independently from that past connection.
For Those Seeking Love
For those in search of love, the Reversed Nine of Cups encourages a reevaluation of what you truly seek in a relationship. It advises against seeking emotional fulfillment solely through others and highlights the importance of cultivating inner contentment and satisfaction.
The Nine of Cups in Tarot, both Upright and Reversed, underscores the importance of achieving emotional satisfaction and addressing unmet desires in relationships. Upright, this card encourages enjoying the state of contentment and fulfillment, celebrating the emotional richness present in one’s life.
Reversed, the Nine of Cups calls for introspection regarding emotional dissatisfaction and unfulfilled desires. It urges individuals to reevaluate their emotional goals and aspirations, emphasizing the significance of internal happiness and the need to adjust expectations to find true contentment.
Overall, the Nine of Cups serves as a reminder of the potential for achieving deep emotional satisfaction in relationships, while also highlighting the necessity of aligning one’s emotional desires with reality for lasting happiness.
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