Why the Keys to Spiritual Growth Remain Out of Your Reach

Lauren Williams


Keys lying on a beach while a man heads out to the ocean in search of them.

Spiritual growth is a noble pursuit, a desire to evolve beyond our current state and tap into something greater than ourselves.

We read books, attend workshops, and seek out teachers, all in the hopes of unlocking the secrets to transformative growth.

But despite our best efforts, the keys to spiritual growth often feel just out of reach. We sense that there’s more to discover, more to become, but the path forward remains elusive.

Here we will explore some of the reasons why spiritual growth can feel so challenging and offer a fresh perspective on what it really takes to evolve.

So if you’ve ever felt stuck, confused, or frustrated on your spiritual path, keep reading.

The insights ahead may just be the keys you’ve been searching for.

When Forward Isn’t the Only Direction

A man walks up a spiral staircase growing upwards but not always forwards.

One of the biggest misconceptions about spiritual growth is that it’s a linear journey, a straight path from where you are to where you want to be. We often think of growth as a series of steps or stages, each one building upon the last in a neat, predictable sequence.

But the reality of spiritual growth is far more complex and nuanced. It’s a journey that often involves detours, setbacks, and periods of apparent stagnation. There are times when you may feel like you’re moving backwards or sideways, rather than surging ahead.

This can be deeply discouraging if you’re attached to the idea of linear progress. You may feel like you’re doing something wrong, or that you’re not cut out for spiritual growth.

But what if these detours and plateaus are actually essential to the journey? What if they’re not obstacles to growth, but opportunities for a different kind of growth?

Consider the way a plant grows. It doesn’t just shoot straight up from the ground in a linear fashion. It grows in spirals and circles, sending roots deep into the earth and branches out in all directions. There are periods of intense growth followed by periods of dormancy and rest.

The same is true for our spiritual journey. There are times when our growth is visible and dramatic, and other times when it’s subtle and internal. There are times when we need to go deep within ourselves, to sit with our shadows and wounds, before we can move forward.

So if you find yourself in a period of apparent stagnation or regression, don’t despair. Trust that this, too, is part of the journey. Keep showing up, keep doing the work, and trust that growth is happening, even if you can’t see it yet.

The Myth of Readiness

Another common trap on the spiritual path is the idea that we need to be “ready” for growth, that we need to have our lives perfectly in order and our minds perfectly clear before we can take the next step.

We tell ourselves things like:

“I’ll start meditating when I’m less busy.” “I’ll go on that retreat when I’ve got more money.” “I’ll dive into my shadows when I feel more stable.”

But the truth is, there’s no such thing as being perfectly ready for spiritual growth. If we wait for ideal conditions, we may be waiting forever.

The key is to start where you are, with what you have. Yes, your meditation practice may be imperfect. Yes, you may have fears and doubts and resistance. But that doesn’t mean you can’t begin.

In fact, it’s often in the act of showing up, imperfectly and consistently, that the real growth happens. It’s in the daily choice to sit on the cushion, even when your mind is racing. It’s in the willingness to face your fears, even when you’re shaking. It’s in the commitment to keep going, even when you can’t see the path ahead.

Readiness is not a prerequisite for growth. It’s a product of growth.

The more you show up, the more ready you become. The more you face your fears, the more courage you cultivate. The more you navigate uncertainty, the more trust you build.

So instead of waiting for some mythical state of readiness, start where you are. Take that first small, imperfect step. And then take another. And another. Trust that each step, no matter how shaky, is taking you closer to the growth you seek.

The Man in the Field of Flowers

A man in a field with flowers taking the organic spiritual route.

There once was a man who found himself standing in the middle of a vast field of flowers. The flowers were stunningly beautiful, a rainbow of colors stretching as far as the eye could see.

At first, the man was enchanted by the beauty surrounding him. He marveled at the intricate petals, the delicate fragrances, the way the sunlight danced across the field.

But as time passed, he began to feel restless. He started to wonder if there was something more he should be doing, some greater purpose he should be pursuing. He felt a nagging sense that the keys to his spiritual growth lay somewhere beyond this field.

So he set off in search of something more. He wandered for days, then weeks, then months, always seeking but never finding. He climbed mountains, forded rivers, and braved dark forests, but the keys to his growth remained elusive.

Finally, exhausted and disillusioned, he found himself back in the field of flowers. As he stood there, he suddenly saw the field with new eyes.

He realized that the keys to his growth had been there all along, right in front of him. The beauty, the simplicity, the perfect imperfection of the flowers – this was the spiritual nourishment he had been seeking.

He understood then that spiritual growth isn’t always about striving and seeking and pushing onwards. Sometimes, it’s about pausing, noticing, and appreciating what’s right in front of you. It’s about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary, the sacred in the mundane.

The man smiled, took a deep breath, and settled into the field of flowers. And there, amidst the petals and the sunlight, he found the peace and presence he had been searching for all along.

Confronting the Shadow

A man unprepared for his spiritual journey at the base of a mountain.

As much as we might wish it were otherwise, spiritual growth is not all light and love and positive affirmations. It’s not about bypassing the darker, messier parts of ourselves in pursuit of some idealized state of being.

True spiritual growth requires us to confront our shadows – those parts of ourselves we’d rather ignore or deny. It asks us to look at our fears, our wounds, our patterns of self-sabotage, and to bring them into the light of awareness.

This is rarely comfortable work. It can be tempting to spiritually bypass, to use spiritual practices and concepts to avoid or suppress our shadows rather than truly confronting them.

For example, we might use meditation as a way to numb out or dissociate from difficult emotions, rather than as a tool for mindfully observing and processing them. We might use the concept of detachment to justify avoiding intimacy and vulnerability, rather than as a way to find calmess amidst life’s ups and downs.

But when we have the courage to truly face our shadows, something powerful happens. We start to see that these shadowy parts of ourselves are not enemies to be vanquished, but teachers bearing important lessons.

Our fears can teach us about courage and resilience. Our wounds can teach us about healing and compassion. Our self-destructive patterns can teach us about self-love and transformation.

Integrating our shadows doesn’t mean indulging or acting out on them. It means bringing them into conscious awareness, acknowledging them with honesty and compassion, and then choosing to act from our highest wisdom.

This is the real work of spiritual growth – not just accumulating spiritual experiences or insights, but truly integrating them into every aspect of our being. It’s about becoming whole, embracing all parts of ourselves, light and dark.

It’s not easy work. It requires tremendous courage, self-honesty, and dedication. But it’s the only way to truly unlock the deeper levels of spiritual growth and transformation.

So if you find yourself confronting your shadows on the spiritual path, know that you are not alone. Know that this is sacred work, even when it feels messy and hard. And know that on the other side of this confrontation lies a deeper freedom, wholeness, and authenticity than you have ever known.

Embracing the Mystery

As much as we might yearn for clarity and certainty on the spiritual path, the truth is that much of spiritual growth remains shrouded in mystery. We can read all the books, attend all the workshops, and sit with all the gurus, but at some point, we must confront the fact that there is much we simply do not and cannot know.

This can be a deeply unsettling realization for the mind, which craves control and understanding. The mind wants a clear map, a set of step-by-step instructions for spiritual growth. It wants to know what’s coming next and how to prepare for it.

But the spiritual journey is not a linear progression with a clear destination. It’s a winding path full of surprises, detours, and unexpected revelations. It’s a dance with the unknown, a leap into the mystery.

This is where faith comes in – not faith in a particular doctrine or belief system, but faith in the journey itself. Faith in the wisdom of the universe, in the intelligence of your own soul, in the perfection of your unique path.

This kind of faith requires a deep surrender, a willingness to let go of control and trust in the unfolding of your journey. It means making peace with uncertainty, with not knowing, with being surprised by life.

It means trusting that even the difficult parts of the journey – the doubts, the fears, the dark nights of the soul – have a purpose and a place in your growth. It means believing that you are always being guided, even when you can’t see the way forward.

This surrender isn’t a passive resignation, but an active choice to align yourself with the flow of life. It’s a choice to show up fully and courageously, to do your part, but then to let go of attachment to specific outcomes.

When you can embrace the mystery in this way, a profound shift happens. Rather than feeling lost or adrift, you start to feel held and guided. Rather than fighting against the current of life, you learn to flow with it. And in that flow, you find a peace and a presence that transcend understanding.

The Journey is the Destination

The keys to spiritual growth often lie in unexpected places – in small daily choices, in embracing the cyclical nature of growth, in facing our shadows, and in surrendering to mystery.

Readiness is cultivated through action.

Clarity emerges from embracing uncertainty. And wholeness is not something to be acquired, but remembered and embodied.

Trust that you are exactly where you need to be on your spiritual path. Everything you need is already within you, waiting to be discovered.

Show up fully, do the work, but hold it lightly. Embrace the fullness of who you are, light and dark, sacred and human.

It’s about coming home to yourself in each moment, waking up to the miracle and beauty of your existence.

This is the journey, and the journey is the destination.

Embrace it all – the unknown, the unresolved, the perfectly imperfect unfolding of your path.

Lauren sitting and smiling at the camera.

Lauren believes spirituality shouldn't be intimidating. She blends ancient practices with modern tools to help you unlock insight, improve your focus, and find deeper meaning within your everyday life.

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